Have a problem? Contact a Grievance Officer

If you have questions about your workplace rights as a Teaching Assistant or Invigilator and/or wish to file a grievance, please contact the relevant email address below and your Grievance Officer will reply within 2 business days.

All inquiries are kept strictly confidential and you will never be pressured to pursue a grievance if you decide not to.

TA Grievance

Invigilator Grievance

Other Pages in this Section

Grievance Frequently Asked Questions

The TA and Invigilator Collective Agreements are available on the Teaching Assistant and Invigilator Pages (See Article 8 for grievance procedure). We approach workplace problems with a cooperative spirit and commitment to problem solving. We use this approach to ensure the rights of our members at all levels. What is a grievance? A grievance is an official complaint about a difference that arises between the University and the Union, an employee, or a group of employees out of the interpretation or application of a Collective Agreement.

Teaching Assistant Collective Agreement

Note: Our TA Collective Agreement expired July 31, 2023. As we negotiate our new contract, the TA Collective Agreement stays in effect! We have summarized the main points of our Collective Agreement below. If you ever need clarification or have an issue with your workplace rights, contact the TA grievance officer at! Consult the full version of the Collective Agreement. Contents Membership Form Applying for a job Rates of Pay Job Offers Contract Size Workload Form Requesting Additional Hours TA Training Performance Evaluations Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Violence Protecting your Rights: Complaints and Grievances Accommodations Health and Safety Travel and other expenses Leaves Membership Form All employees must sign the union membership form (included as a web link on every TA employment contract) for full membership rights.

Invigilator Collective Agreement

After a year and a half of negotiations, Invigilators approved the tentative agreement reached between the Invigilator Bargaining Committee and McGill University at the November 17, 2022 assembly! The new Collective Agreement was signed on April 5, 2023, and is now in effect! We have summarized the main points of our Collective Agreement below. If you ever need clarification or have an issue with your workplace rights, contact the Invigilator Grievance Officer at grievance.

Membership Forms

Remember to fill out the AGSEM online membership form for full membership rights. You must fill out your membership form every time you start a new contract as a Teaching Assistant or an Invigilator. Since TAs and Invigilators are separate bargaining units at AGSEM, there is a membership form for teaching assistants and a membership form for invigilators. Important! For “Employee Number” / “Numéro employé” please provide your McGill ID number For “Personal email” / “Courriel personnel” please provide your non-McGill email address