AGSEM endorses Ici, on boycotte Amazon / Here, we Boycott Amazon

In May 2024, after an ambitious two-year unionization campaign, Amazon warehouse workers in Laval unionized with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) and became the first Amazon warehouse to successfully unionize in Canada.

In response, Amazon is closing its warehouses and operations in Québec, leaving 3500 - 4500 workers without jobs.

Amazon’s dramatic move of ceasing all operations in Quebec is in line with their history of union busting, and appears to be intended to chill unionization efforts at Amazon not just in Canada, but around the world.

In response to Amazon’s audacious actions , workers launched the Here, we Boycott Amazon / Ici, on boycotte Amazon movement, which demands:

  1. Immediately: keeping open the warehouses, maintaining jobs, respecting the rights of unions, and not a penny of public money for Amazon.
  2. Should the warehouses close: suspension of all Amazon activities in Québec, expropriation of Amazon’s land, buildings, and other assets, repayment of all subsidies received by Amazon, one year’s salary and insurance for all workers, and full training support (free of charge) for laid off workers. 

Amazon has also long been a pressure target of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) National Committee.

AGSEM received was mandated to comply with the economic, cultural, and academic boycott of Israel in alignment with the guidelines of the BNC  at its 20 November 2024 General Assembly: 

  1. RESOLVED AGSEM’s Delegates’ Council endorses the demands of the Here, We Boycott Amazon campaign. 
  2. RESOLVED AGSEM’s Delegates’ Council urges all of AGSEM’s other bodies to boycott Amazon in all capacities, and recommends that Amazon is officially added to the list of companies and services boycotted by AGSEM at the next General Assembly such that purchases from Amazon are no longer eligible for reimbursement.

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