Teaching Assistant Collective Agreement

Note: Our TA Collective Agreement expired July 31, 2023. As we negotiate our new contract, the TA Collective Agreement stays in effect!

We have summarized the main points of our Collective Agreement below. If you ever need clarification or have an issue with your workplace rights, contact the TA grievance officer at! Consult the full version of the Collective Agreement.


  1. Membership Form
  2. Applying for a job
  3. Rates of Pay
  4. Job Offers
  5. Contract Size
  6. Workload Form
  7. Requesting Additional Hours
  8. TA Training
  9. Performance Evaluations
  10. Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Violence
  11. Protecting your Rights: Complaints and Grievances
  12. Accommodations
  13. Health and Safety
  14. Travel and other expenses
  15. Leaves

Membership Form

All employees must sign the union membership form (included as a web link on every TA employment contract) for full membership rights. The union membership form can be signed online.

Applying for a job

Rates of Pay

Job Offers

Contract Size

Workload Form

Requesting Additional Hours

TA Training

Performance Evaluations

Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Violence

Protecting your Rights: Complaints and Grievances


Health and Safety

Travel and other expenses

Pre-authorised expenses, including kilometrage, incurred by the Employee in the performance of her duties will be reimbursed in accordance with the Travel and Other Personal Reimbursements policy of the University.


Since your TA position is ashort term ontract, it may seem unnecessary to take unpaid leave, but there are some benefits: