Invigilator Collective Agreement

After a year and a half of negotiations, Invigilators approved the tentative agreement reached between the Invigilator Bargaining Committee and McGill University at the November 17, 2022 assembly! The new Collective Agreement was signed on April 5, 2023, and is now in effect!

We have summarized the main points of our Collective Agreement below. If you ever need clarification or have an issue with your workplace rights, contact the Invigilator Grievance Officer at! Consult the full version of the Collective Agreement here.


  1. Membership Form
  2. Applying for a job
  3. Rate of Pay
  4. Training
  5. Shift length and breaks
  6. Probationary Period
  7. Leaves of Absence
  8. Unexcused Absences / No-Shows
  9. Disciplinary Measures
  10. Accommodations
  11. Protecting your rights: Grievance Process
  12. Additional Provisions against Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Violence
  13. Right to refuse unsafe work

Membership form

The union membership form can now be signed online. Please complete the online membership form after training or before your first shift for every semester you work for any department/hiring unit.

Applying for a job

Rate of Pay


Every invigilator is entitled to paid training before they begin their first appointment in that hiring unit for every semester. Invigilators will be compensated at the standard rate for the length of the training session. Invigilator duties and responsibilities will be clearly stated during the training sessions organized by the hiring unit. Any additional instructions specific to a given exam will be provided at the beginning of a given shift.

Shift length and breaks

Probationary Period

Under the new Collective Agreement, invigilators pass their probation once they have worked a total of 25 hours in the hiring unit.

Leaves of Absence

All invigilators are entitled to a number of unpaid leaves (as well as paid bereavement leaves). Unpaid leave is available in cases of illness, as well as to attend an academic conference if requested by your supervisor at McGill, provided that you give notice before the beginning of your shift. Unpaid leave means that you cannot be penalized for missing work, and will be allowed to accumulate hiring priority.

Unexcused Absences / No-Shows

If an invigilator fails to inform their supervisor at least one business day in advance or is absent for an exam shift without notice, they may lose their priority status for future hiring in that unit. However, in emergency situations, invigilators are allowed to be absent without providing one business day’s notice. Prompt communication with the supervisor is essential in case of lateness or absence.

Disciplinary Measures


Protecting your rights: Grievance Process

Additional Provisions against Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Violence

Right to refuse unsafe work